This journey has not been an easy one, but I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel! I definitely don't think that it is a concidence that I will likely travel around Christmas time. You see, for the longest time (over 3 years) I always imagined that I would be bringing home an infant girl. I imagined her, dreamed of her, heck I even decorated a bedroom for her. And every week I would pray in church for my daughter to come home to me. For those of you who have seen Jonah's picture...clearly there was a different plan for me!
Last August I prayed the same prayer I had prayed countless times..."Lord please bring me daughter home to me". Only on that August day I heard a distinct reply. "You know I had a son". To say I was shocked is an understatement and so I ignored it (I'm only human after all). For months I ignored that voice. For months I continued to pray for a daughter only to hear that same reply: "You know, I had a son".
Week after week.
Prayer after prayer.
Until I finally took the hint, and wouldn't you know it. Almost as soon as I made the decision to switch, I found my boy. And his birthday was in August.....
So here I am, so close to bringing him home that I regularly veer from overwhelming excitement to complete panic (there is so much left to do). But I am ready for this, ready for him, ready for my son.
People ask me all the time about the money side of adoption (don't worry, it doesn't offend me). Adoption is expensive. Wicked expensive. And I've worked extra jobs, and saved all I could, and held fund raisers and garage sales. And I have been BLESSED. Since I started in February I have paid over 10,000 toward this adoption outright without having to charge anything. I was also hugely blessed by a interest free loan through Lifesong for Orphans. With all of that work, and all of those blessings I still have a ways to go before I can fully fund this adoption. Part of my partnership with Lifesong includes an account that they have set up in my name to accept donations on my behalf. I am looking at about $8,000 more to finish covering my adoption costs and $8,000 is a lot of money! It is my hope that I raise and save enough by November 30th (just in case I get to leave on the earlier side of my timeline)!
Donations can be mailed directly to Lifesong for Orphans,
Donations are also accepted online at Select "Give to an adoptive family". Complete the online form and fill in "Family Account Number" (3881) and "Family Name" (Keener) fields. Note: PayPal charges an administrative fee (2.9% + $0.30 USD per transaction). Your donation will be decreased by the amount of this fee.
All donations are tax deductible. Following IRS guidelines, your donation is to the named non-profit organization. This organization retains full discretion over its use, but intends to honor the donor's suggested use. Individual donations of $250 or more and yearly donations totaling $250 or more will receive a tax-deductible receipt. Receipts for donations under $250 will gladly be sent upon request. Lifesong is a 501(c)3 tax exempt organization.
Any and all donations would be gladly appreciated. But even more than the donations I ask for your prayers in the coming weeks. Prayers that paperwork will be processed quickly. Prayers for safe travel. Prayers for my patience during this time of waiting. And mostly. prayers for Jonah. He is about to experience the biggest change of his two year old life and I pray that he transitions home with acceptance and love and the assurance that he will be loved and cared for by a mom who already loves him more that she could have ever imagined.
Thank you